The second Chinese GEO satellite, FY-2B, was launched on June 26, 2000 from the Xichang launch center with the Long March 3 (LM-3) vehicle. The DCS provides operational collection services for data collection platforms (DCPs) within its field of view.
Over radiometrically cold surfaces (such as water), precipitation enhances the signal, while over radiometrically warm surfaces (e.g., land) precipitation can scatter the upwelling radiation, resulting in a decrease in the received signal. The look-up table method can be applied to both polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites.
Global data sources for inventory of hazardous events and hazard assessment used in the PREVIEW project, Source: Reproduced from UNEP/DEWA/GRID, 2010. These documents can be found at the NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research website at
As another example, GEONETCast is a global network of satellite-based data dissemination systems providing environmental data to the world-wide user community. The daytime visible image can be used to derive the reflectance of cloud top and the earth surface, the nighttime infrared image can observe the thermal radiance, while the water vapor image can estimate the water vapor amount in the atmosphere. On 11 January 2007 China destroyed one of these satellites (FY-1C) in a test of an anti-satellite missile.. For these sensor networks, the spatial coverage is important so that potentially hazardous areas are monitored. Satellites provide an unparalleled view of the Earth and its atmosphere allowing them to observe processes within the Earth system, including those relating to precipitation.
Most of the satellite fragmentations have occurred in LEO or for highly elliptical orbits that pass through LEO (due to the higher spatial density in this region). In the US, a similar network has been established for recording stream-discharge data for nearly 10 000 sites in a central database linked with a web-mapping service (NWIS, 2010). 1.25 km x 1.25 km IFOV=35 µrad, 5 km x 5 km IFOV=140 µrad, 5 km x 5 km IFOV = 140 µrad, SNR=6.5 (albedo=2.5%) SNR= 43 (albedo=95%), NEDT=0.5-0.65 K (300 K), NEDT= 1 K (300 K). • The ground-based NSMC (National Satellite Meteorological Center) which collects and processes the DCP data and distributes it via GTS to the user community. Nevertheless, such techniques are commonly used due to the relative ease of accessing the data and subsequent analysis together with the frequency and resolution of the imagery acquired, particular when obtained from geostationary satellite sensors.