Tests are also done on the mother, along with a thorough evaluation of her medical, obstetric, and family history for clues to the cause of the stillbirth. For example, in 1985, almost 1 of every 127 pregnancies that made it to week 20 ended as a stillbirth before delivery;1 in 1950, the rate was about 1 of every 53 such pregnancies.3.

This includes the following: However, in many cases, including cord accidents, placental abruption, chromosomal conditions, or other unforeseeable problems, a stillbirth can occur without warning and is rarely preventable. For example, if the stillbirth was the result of a genetic problem, the mother can be on the lookout for it in her next pregnancy. If cholestasis of pregnancy is not managed actively, the chances of stillbirth can reach up to 15%. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 2009. The most important thing you need to know is that it's OK to grieve as you heal physically and emotionally. It is OK to grieve, but if you find yourself overwhelmed by negative thoughts, see help from loved ones, your doctor, and/or a counselor. 2015;2015:318350. doi:10.1155/2015/318350, Lawn J, Blencowe H, Waiswa P, et al.

There are some risks to waiting (such as blood clots), so it is important to understand the risks and benefits of these options thoroughly. 2009;201(5):469.e1-8. The increase in risk is most marked in teens under 15 years old and women age 40 and older. If you feel like your baby’s movements are reduced, contact your midwife right away.

Insufficient oxygen and nutrients can also contribute to a baby’s death.

Stillbirth is associated with perceived alterations in fetal activity - findings from an international case control study. Inquire about your hospitals’ procedures when handling stillborn babies and the cause of death. A stillbirth can happen to pregnant women of any age, background, or ethnicity. There are any number of conditions and complications that can lead to stillbirth, including infections, placental defects, umbilical cord problems, high blood pressure and associated conditions, and others. Induction may be a better choice for women who want to experience birth as part of their grieving process and who want the option of seeing and holding their child.

Still, despite the wealth of information available, experts are often unable to pin down a specific cause of death for a full third of stillbirths.

Both teens and older pregnant women are more likely to have a stillbirth than women in their 20s and early 30s. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Only they know how they feel and what may serve them as they process their grief.. Stillbirth is typically defined as fetal death at or after 20 or 28 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the source. 2007. A mother's intuition can't be underestimated when it comes to their baby's well-being. This process may help emotionally if you decide to become pregnant again. Doing so can significantly reduce your baby's risk of neural tube birth defects, such as spina bifida. Who is at risk of having a stillbirth?

What's the risk of it happening again? Other signs to report to your provider immediately include uterine tenderness, back pain, frequent contractions or a contraction that stays hard (like a cramp that doesn't go away), and a reduction in your baby's activity. The most commons cause of having a stillborn baby are pregnancy complications, such as preterm labor, carrying multiple fetuses, or problems with the placenta and the umbilical cord. Management options for women with midtrimester fetal loss: A case report. Galal M, Symonds I, Murray H, Petraglia F, Smith R. Postterm pregnancy. In some cases, stillbirth may be prevented, and other times prevention isn't possible. 2015;126(6):1146-50. doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000001152, Heazell AEP, Warland J, Stacey T, et al. Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine. Froen JF, et al.

Providers can explain to parents what might be learned from an autopsy, how it's done, and what it would cost. Always err on the side of caution and call your doctor if you are concerned. The rate for American Indian or Alaska Native women was 7.22 and the rate for Hispanic women was 5.22. And check with your provider before taking over-the-counter and herbal medications to find out if they're safe (and in what amount) during pregnancy. Most women, though, choose to have labor induced soon after they learn of their baby's death, either through labor and delivery or through a procedure performed under local or general anesthesia. For every 1,000 pregnancies that reached the 20th week during that year, more than 18 ended in stillbirth. An early stillbirth occurs between weeks 20 and 27, a late stillbirth occurs between weeks 28 and 36, and a term stillbirth occurs from week 37 on. 2007. En Español.

Stillbirth can occur without symptoms, but the main one is not feeling fetal movement. Doctors often instruct women who are past 28 weeks pregnant to track fetal kick counts at least once a day.

Reddy UM. 2007. Connect with other parents experiencing a loss. Racial disparities in stillbirth risk across gestation in the United States, Back to basics: Avoiding the supine position in pregnancy, Impact of holding the baby following stillbirth on maternal mental health and well-being: Findings from a national survey, Care following stillbirth in high-resource settings: Latest evidence, guidelines, and best practice points, Abdominal trauma related to motor vehicle accidents, falls, or domestic violence, Alcohol use or drug use (both prescription and nonprescription) during pregnancy, History of preterm birth, toxemia, or intrauterine growth retardation in a prior pregnancy, History of stillbirth, miscarriage, or neonatal death (death during the first 28 days of life), Maternal age greater than 35 or less than 20, Maternal health conditions, particularly high blood pressure and, Pre-eclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension), Race (higher incidence is found in Black women than White women regardless of socioeconomic status), Sleeping in a supine (on your back) position. If it's determined that the baby has died, there are several options for delivering the deceased baby. This website is dedicated to moms, soon-to-be moms, and moms at heart. Monitor your baby's kicks, and tell your doctor if you notice any changes that concern you. Usually, a baby will respond with kicks over the next 30 minutes or more. Lancet. Try to be on the lookout for signs of postpartum depression in your partner and suggest that they see a doctor or talk to a counselor if you are concerned. Your doctor may want you to come in for a test called a non-stress test (NST) that checks whether your baby is safe.

This is why doctors often ask women to track fetal kick counts from this point onwards.

Infections can also potentially cause a stillborn baby. This can be a sign of placental abruption. Making stillbirths count, making numbers talk - Issues in data collection for stillbirths. In dealing with your grief, aim to be sensitive to the feelings of your partner and other loved ones as you process your own. But even if the cause of your stillbirth isn't likely to recur, you may be very anxious in future pregnancies.

National Vital Statistics Report 57(8):1-20. In 2014, about 24,000 stillbirths were reported in the United States.

Get the latest public health information from CDC: https://www.coronavirus.gov Getahun D, et al.

Read also: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Tips to Save Your Baby From This Condition. The medical team can do tests to try to determine the cause of the stillbirth. Smoking and drinking alcohol during your pregnancy can also cause complications for the baby.
You do not have to justify your grief. Some foods can cause illnesses or infections, so best it’s best to avoid raw meat or unpasteurized milk. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Starting with 2014 data, the obstetric estimate of gestation at delivery replaced the gestational age measure based on the date of the last normal menses, introducing a discontinuity in early and late fetal morality rates from earlier years; rates calculated using the different measures are non-comparable. An autopsy is normally the best way to diagnose a cause for stillbirth, but this is not always a standard procedure. According to Healthline, complications like diabetes, lupus, obesity, thrombophilia, and thyroid disorders increase your chances of having a stillborn baby. (If you're seeing a different healthcare provider, make sure the new provider has access to your complete record, including lab results.). Your caregiver can help you figure out how to get down to a healthy weight. The hardest part is that couples may not fully realize their preferences until it's too late. Tell your doctor right away if you experience any unusual abdominal pain, itching, or vaginal bleeding.
(You're likely to get more complete information about your baby's chromosomes from an amnio than from tissue samples after delivery.). Reddy UM, et al.

A stillbirth can result in the feeling of guilt or grief in the mother. These types of stillbirths were more common in the end of the second trimester and the beginning of the third, compared with other parts of pregnancy. If your child hears you whispering or catches tiny snippets of conversation, they may become very anxious and concerned.

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