", Zhu Yongzhong, Üjiyediin Chuluu, and Kevin Stuart (1999). [19], Despite that "Monguor" was made into an international name for the "Tu," it is not representative: the reference is only used by the Monguor in Huzhu and Datong counties in Qinghai, and when used, it should be combined with "Chaghan" (or "White") in order to be distinguished from the "Khara" (or "Black") Mongols. [59] The reference of "Qara" (or "Black") as a prefix in the name of the Khitans and "Khara" (or "Black") in that of the Mongols may indicate that both groups had substantial input from the Xiongnu, who by self proclaiming to be "Xianbei" earlier made it hard in distinguish in the Chinese records. In the 3rd and 4th centuries, Tuyühu, a branch of the Murong Xianbei, undertook a westward migration that allowed them and those who followed them to develop in a different path. p. 25–30. Black was a prominent color of ‘make-up’ for the Mongol woman. p. 1–2. ed Estremo Oriente.
Molè, Gabriella, 1970, The T'u-yü-hun from the Northern Wei to the time of the five dynasties. p. xxiv. "The Monguors of the Kansu-Tibetan Frontier: Their Origin, History, and Social Organization."
They worshipped fire as a cleansing element and would not pass a knife through the flames for fear of beheading the flames and taking away the power fire projected. The term "White Mongols," or "Bai Menggu," first occurred when Genghis Khan united the Mongols to rise up in Mongolia in 1206. "‘Blue Skies and Emoluments’: Minhe Monguor Men Sing I and II. p. 27–28.
The Mongol empire was founded by Genghis Khan in 1206.
Their Origin, History, and Social Organization." de Smedt, Albrecht, and Antoine Mostaert (1929–1931).
Li, Fanwen [李范文] (2005). ", Hecken, J.
Ngag dbang chos ldan (Shes rab dar rgyas) and Klaus Sagaster (1967). Mi, Wenping [米文平] (2000). Yet, not all branches of the Xianbei shared this fate.
Tu zu shi [The Tu History] 土族史.
Tu zu shi [The Tu History] 土族史. Throughout this period, the Monguor maintained a high degree of political autonomy and self governance under the local chiefdom system of Tusi.
Li, Zhinong [李志农] and Ding Bofeng [丁柏峰] (2004). In 87 A.D., the Xianbei defeated the northern Xiongnu and killed their king, Chanyu Youliu, causing its thorough disintegration. "The Guanting Tu (Monguor) wedding ceremonies and songs."
de Smedt, Albrecht, and Antoine Mostaert (1933). "Larinbuda and Jiminsu: A Monguor Tragedy. "Li pei ye shi xi xia huang zu hou yi [Li Peiye is the descendant of the Royal Family of Western Xia] 李培业是西夏皇族后裔." "Xi xia huang zu hou yi kao [Investigation on the descendants of the Royal Family of Western Xia] 西夏皇族后裔考." The Mongolian usage of "Tangut" most likely referred to the "Donghu people;" "-t" in Mongolian language means "people". "The Frog Boy: An Example of Minhe Monguor. She would also use loud colors. Molè, Gabriella (1970). Xianbei with a new name, known as "Daxinganling," which remains to be used today and literally meant "White Mountains" in their Tungus language. [1] The Mongols talked to their shamans before making big choices and followed their advice. During this time Genghis Khan (1162–1227) came to power within the All the Mongols league and was proclaimed khan in 1206. The Monguors of the Kansu-Tibetan Frontier: Part II.
The traditional weddings of the Monguor differ markedly. ", Li Xuewei and Kevin Stuart (1990). Zhongguo tu zu [China's Tu Nationality] 中国土族. Yinchuan [银川], Ningxia ren min chu ban she [Ningxia People's Press] 宁夏人民出版社.
Schram, Louis M. J. It eventually evolved into the Upper Xiajidian Culture, which was associated with the Donghu and characterized by the practice of agriculture and animal husbandry supplemented by handicrafts and bronze art. Beijing (北京), Renmin chu ban she [People's Press] 人民出版社. Mongolian Studies XV: 111-135. The term "Mighty" (or "Gao") was designated to the "Qiang" people who formed the majority of the population. Phonétique." Lü, Jianfu [呂建福], 2007. (2010) 'An overview of the history and culture of the Xianbei ('Monguor'/'Tu')', Asian Ethnicity, 11: 1, 95 – 164. Le dialecte monguor parlé par les Mongols du Kansou occidental, IIe partie.
Amazons – Who Were the Ancient Female Warriors. The Western Xia made significant achievements in literature, art, music, architecture, and chemistry. Intelligent, Unruly, Superstitious, Prejudice..
Yin near Ordos. Lü, Jianfu [呂建福], 2002. ", Limusishiden and Kevin Stuart (1996). "Bai Gao" in the national title was in turn used it to refer to the Yellow River, which had traditionally been referred to as the "Mother River" of China, known as "Mu Qin He," that has nurtured their homeland.
By the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, only about fifty thousand of the Monguor have maintained to speak their language, primarily in Qinghai and Gansu. Li, Peiye [李培业] (1998). Its derogatory undertone came from the concurrent meaning of the Chinese character "Tu" for "soil." Strong cultures breed strong women as the Mongol woman would only give birth crouching or standing, probably swearing. Toward the middle and later stages of the Yuan, the Xia received equivalent treatment to the ruling Mongols and attained the highest offices in the Central Court. [82][83][84] Among the Huzhu Monguor, the characteristic traditional dance is "Anzhao." Van (1977).
This was represented in the reference of the Xianbei descendants as "Chaghan Monguor" (or "White Mongols"), which gave rise to the ethnonym of "Monguor" known in the Western publications. As much as the prefix "Mengwu" (or "Mongol") in front of "Shiwei" (or "Xianbei") marked the difference between the Mongols and the Xianbei, the prefix "Chaghan" in front of "Monguor" indicated that the Monguor and their Xianbei predecessors were not the same as the Mongols.
Those who have succeeded in the Chinese educational system take up government jobs in a wide range of academic, medical, and business fields. The physical appearance of a Mongol was seemingly comical. Beijing [北京], Zhongyang min zu da xue chu ban she [Central Nationalities University Press] 中央民族大学出版社. In Edward H. Kaplan and Donald W. Whisenhunt, editors. Nature, both an admiration and fear of, held the center of the religious beliefs. 青海民族研究, Schröder, Dominik (1952/1953). After Western Xia fell, its territory centered in Ningxia was fragmented by the successive establishments of Shaanxi, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces, which increasingly weakened the political and military powers of the Monguor. Limusishiden and Kevin Stuart, editors (1998). The last character of Tuyühu, pronounced as "hun" today, may have been pronounced "hu" in some dialect of ancient Chinese language. Beijing [北京], Zhonghua shu ju [China Press] 中华书局, p. 257. Guiyang [贵阳市], Guizhou min zu chu ban she [Guizhou Nationalities Press] 贵州民族出版社. The English reference for "Tibet" most likely came from the Xianbei language for the Tibetans referred to as "Tiebie," in contrast to the self-reference of the Tibetans as "Bo". "Qinghai tu zu 'Nadun' wen hua xian xiang jie du [An Interpretation of the cultural phenomenon of 'Nadun' of the Tu Nationality in Qinghai] 青海土族'纳顿'文化现象解读." Anthropos 88: 15-27.
It functions as the Monguor form of "Thanksgiving" in the Western culture and expresses gratitude for an abundance of harvest blessed by Heaven referred to as "Tiangere." Zhou, Weizhou [周伟洲], 2006. Traditional Monguor culture and language have become endangered. Louis M. J. Schram and Kevin Charles Stuart (editor). Xianbei was found along their trajectories. ", Stuart, Kevin, and Hu Jun (1993).
[60] They first established the Jin dynasty (1115–1234) in northern China by pushing the Liao Empire of the Khitans westward into Xinjiang. "Death and Funerals Among the Minhe Tu (Monguor). In the end of the third century B.C., the Xiongnu Maodun attacked to destroy the Donghu by surprise and caused disintegration in the federation. As Western Xia resisted vehemently, more and more of its people crossed the Qilian Mountains to join the earlier establishments in Qinghai and Gansu in order to avoid the Mongol assaults, which gave rise to the current settlements of the Monguor. "Population and Culture of the Mongols, Tu, Baoan, Dongxiang, and Yugu in Gansu.". [1] The most important Christian group in the Mongol Empire was the Nestorian Church, sometimes called the Church of the East. In Minhe County, elaborate rules of courtesy and appropriateness were at work.
Schein, Louisa (2000). The religion of the Mongols was similar in concept to that of the Native Americans. Every yurt had small idols made of felt. In addition to the Tibetans and authentic Han people, the "Qiang" comprised a portion of the Miao/Hmong who were relocated to the northwest from central China after their Three Miao Kingdom was destroyed by the legendary Chinese Emperor Yü the Great about four thousand years ago. History of Chinese society: Liao, 907-1125. "NI in Minhe Mangghuer and Other Mongol Languages. Wuhuan yu Xianbei [The Wuhuan and Xianbei] 烏桓與鮮卑. These Xianbei groups formed the core of the Tuyuhun Empire and numbered about 3.3 million at their peak. Their territories encompassed, at their height, the present Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Shanxi, Hebei, and Henan, and their capitals included Beijing and other cities. "The Tu Fala: trance mediums of northwest China." Lü, Jianfu [呂建福] (2005). Worldhistory.us - For those who want to understand the History, not just to read it. Beijing [北京], Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she [Chinese Social Sciences Press] 中囯社会科学出版社. While the "Mongol Xianbei" (or "Mengwu Shiwei") emerged from the northern Manchuria and northeastern Mongolia, the Khitans, or "Qidan" in Chinese, derived their ancestral origins from the Yuwen Xianbei in southern Mongolia,[57] who had earlier founded the Western Wei (535-556) and Northern Zhou (557-581) of the Northern Dynasties.
Beijing [北京], Zhongguo guo ji guang bo chu ban she [Chinese International Broadcasting Press] 中国国际广播出版社. Records of the Monguor Clans. The Wang Mang people were likely the predecessors or a fraction of those who became known as the Xiongnu later on the west of the Donghu. As the Yellow Sect of Buddhism, also known as the Tibetan Buddhism, became prevalent in the northwest, their religious lives shifted from the Chinese toward Tibetan Buddhism. The contemporary reference of this name is rendered "Tuyuhun" in China and the West should be "Tuyühu." ", Stuart, Kevin, and Limusishiden, editors (1994). 33: 39-49. p. 46. [85][86] Wherever the Monguor go, they take their songs with them, which can be heard in parties, banquets, and at gatherings in cities where they work.
They used "Dschiahour" to represent the Monguor, based on Tibetan reference,[44] in which "Dschia" was likely abbreviated from the first part of "Chaghan" (or "White") from the self-reference of the Monguor as "Chaghan Monguor" (or "White Mongols"), and "Hour" was a variant record to the Tibetan reference of the Monguor as "Huo’er" used by the Tibetans today.
The Western Xia Empire inherited the political and social structures of the Tang and further developed an outstanding civilization characterized as "shining and sparkling".
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 44(1): 1-138. Schram, Louis MJ (1961).
After its fall in 670, the Tuyühu Empire split into an Eastern and Western Kingdom.
The sheep and goats provided wool for clothing and felt. Travels in Tartary, Tibet, and China, 1844–1846 . "Ren zhong xue shang de xiong nu, xian bei yu qi dan [The Xiongnu, Xianbei and Qidan in racial perspectives] 人种学上的匈奴、鲜卑与契丹." The Monguor (Chinese: 蒙古尔; Tu: Mongghul), the Tu people (Chinese: 土族), the White Mongol or the Tsagaan Mongol, are one of the 56 officially recognized ethnic groups in China.
Louis M. J. Schram and Kevin Charles Stuart (editor). They carried out extensive military expeditions westward, reaching as far as Hetian in Xinjiang and the borders of Kashmir and Afghanistan, and established a vast empire that encompassed Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, northern Sichuan, eastern Shaanxi, southern Xinjiang, and most of Tibet, stretching 1,500 kilometers from the east to the west and 1,000 kilometers from the north to the south.
The source of this European DNA might have been merchants travelling the Silk Road. Lü, Jianfu [呂建福], 2002.