Many other constituencies are doing the same, such as cities, banks and businesses. Sea ice extent in September across the Arctic Ocean is now declining at a rate of −12.9% per decade. The probability of where 2020 will fall on the leaderboard of warmest years based temperatures so far this year is shown in the table below. This is particularly true for globally complete temperature records, such as NASA, Berkeley Earth and the Copernicus/ECMWF reanalysis, which include temperature estimates for the whole Arctic. “In Glasgow, success will depend on countries, the private sector and civil society demonstrating that they are taking significant steps to raise ambition on mitigation, adaptation and finance,” he said. WMO_Statement_on_the_State_of_the_Global_Climate_2019_Cover.png. That was the "highest in the modern 61-year measurement record as well as the highest ever measured in ice core records dating back as far as 800,000 years," the report said. Prediction models suggest that the La Niña conditions will persist for the second half of the year, though most models predict only a relatively modest La Niña event through to the end of 2020. Why so many authors? After the calendar year has ended, authors are given about six weeks to develop their content and provide an initial draft that is reviewed by the chapter editors. This fifth, biennial State of the Climate report draws on the latest monitoring, science and projection information to describe variability and changes in Australia’s climate. "A number of extreme events, such as wildfires, heatwaves and droughts, have at least part of their root linked to the rise in global temperature. Generally, we allow one to two weeks for this review to be completed and another one to two weeks for the authors to make revisions, as needed, and for the chapter editors to prepare the new version for a formal, external review. Carbon Brief has analysed records from six different research groups that report global surface temperature records: NASA; NOAA; Met Office Hadley Centre/UEA; Berkeley Earth; Cowtan and Way; and Copernicus/ECMWF. #StateOfClimate2019 The global annual average atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration rose to 409.8 parts per million last year—the highest in the modern 61-year measurement record and in ice core records dating back as far as 800,000 years:, #StateOfClimate2019 Global average sea level rose to a new record high last year and was about 3.4 inches (87.6 mm) higher than the 1993 average:, Last year saw devastating wildfires burn through Australia; large regions including Europe, Japan, Pakistan, and India experienced deadly, "Each decade since 1980 has been successively warmer than the preceding decade, with the most recent (2010-1019) being around 0.2°C warmer than the previous (2000-2009)," the report said. UNTV Studio Interview, © 2020 World Meteorological Organization (WMO), State of the Climate report released by UN and WMO chiefs, WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2019 - English, Ground-ocean-space observation experiment of typhoon successfully carried out - China Meteorological Administration, 10th jubilee Homogenization Seminar at the Hungarian Meteorological Service.

Global surface temperatures have been exceptionally warm over the first half of 2020, tying with the record warmth seen in 2016. Why release in August 2020 a comprehensive, validated check-up on the health of our planet’s climate in 2019 August, instead of in January, when it’s still hot news? As Deke Arndt explains about Earth’s climate (in a webinar to watch before using State of the Climate): “If the Earth didn’t spin, and we didn’t have day and night, it would be very simple.”. Analysis: The climate papers most featured in the media in 2019, Mapped: How climate change affects extreme weather around the world. The figure below shows a range of different El Niño forecast models produced by different scientific groups. Report 42, The Global Warming Policy Foundation ISBN 978-1-8380747-0-8 ... surface are at the core of many climate delibera - tions, but the significance of short-term warm-ing or cooling in surface air temperatures should not be … Already committed future warming and climate change The radiative heat forcing of today's atmospheric GHGs (above) commits the world to a global warming of 1.5C by 2030-2040 (IPCC AR5 WG1 Figure 11.6) and full equilibrium warming of 2.0C. And of course, all about a climate that is nothing if not the paragon of complexity. Jet stream: Is climate change causing more ‘blocking’ weather events? Webinar: Do we need to stop eating meat and dairy to tackle climate change? Factcheck: Is 3-5C of Arctic warming now ‘locked in’? The Siberia region has been strikingly warm so far this year, with many areas 7C warmer than the global average. NOTE: State Graphics are not to scale. information to describe variability and changes in Australia’s climate. Too many sleepless nights in distant hotel rooms, too tired to read, biological clock messed up, but there would be TV. These are fluctuations in temperature between the ocean and atmosphere in the tropical Pacific which help to make some individual years warmer and some cooler. For our Regional Climates chapter, which is comprised of annual summaries for countries around the world, the authors are often affiliated with a specific country’s official meteorological/hydrological agency and provide analysis based on data from that agency. natural variability. Streamflow has decreased across southern Australia. Media briefing: NOAA to announce findings of State of the Climate in 2015 report. Examples of the indicators include various types of greenhouse gases; temperatures throughout the atmosphere, ocean, and land; cloud cover; sea level; ocean salinity; sea ice extent; and snow cover. A new State of the Climate report confirmed that 2019 was among the three warmest years in records dating to the mid-1800s with a short-term warming, but weak, El Niño influence early in the year. The Statement on the State of the Climate in 2019 highlighted the tell-tale physical signs of climate change such as increasing land and ocean heat, accelerating sea level rise and melting ice, as well as the impacts of weather and climate events on socio-economic development, human health, migration and displacement, food security and land and marine ecosystems.

So naturally, at first glance, churning out this report in only a matter of months is a managerial triumph–a testament to international cooperation: The production of this document really does “take a village”; without the dedication and hard work of every single one of the people who contribute to this process, the quality and scope of the report would not be possible. Oceans around Australia have warmed by around 1 °C since 1910, contributing to longer Innovation?

UN News Article The Antarctic ice sheet continued to lose mass, with the highest rates of loss occurring in West Antarctica and Wilkes Land, East Antarctica. At the press conference, Mr Taalas said that carbon dioxide levels at Mauna Loa in Hawaii – the benchmark observatory in WMO’s Global Atmosphere Watch network – had once again reached a new peak in January and February 2020. State of the Climate is an elaborate scheme to make a scientifically worthwhile document: The development of the report is quite rigorous, with writing, two major peer-review processes, technical editing, layout, and approval.

While Arctic sea ice is currently at record lows for this time of year, it is unclear if these conditions will persist and it is still too early to know where the 2020 minimum will fall.

The flagship report includes input from national meteorological and hydrological services, leading international experts, scientific institutions and United Nations agencies. All content copyright © The American Meteorological Society 2009.

Scientists have repeatedly warned that the impacts of the climate crisis to our health systems and economies will be much more severe if left unchecked. For the eighth consecutive year, global average sea level rose to a new record high and was about 3.4 inches (87.6 mm) higher than the 1993 average, the year that marks the beginning of the satellite altimeter record. Below-average Antarctic sea ice extent persisted throughout 2019, continuing a trend that began in September 2016. July became the hottest month in records dating to the mid- to late-1800s. The European State of the Climate (ESOTC) is an annual report compiled by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) on behalf of the European Commission. BAMS State of the Climate A new State of the Climate report confirmed that 2019 was among the three warmest years in records dating to the mid-1800s with a short-term warming, but weak, El Niño influence early in the year. in atmospheric CO.

Greenhouse gases was highest on record.

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