Il est connu comme le roi qui implanta définitivement le bouddhisme au Tibet en y invitant Shantarakshita et Padmasambhava et en décrétant le bouddhisme religion d'État. The empire Trisong Detsen inherited had declined somewhat from its greatest extent under the first Dharma King, Songtsen Gampo.

At the age of forty-seven, Mu-ne Tsepo succeeded his father on throne, but only for two years, during which he tried to distribute wealth equally amongst rich and poor three times. Trisong Detsen cherche ensuite à s’étendre vers l’ouest, atteignant la rivière Oxus et menaçant le calife arabe, Haroun ar-Rachid. Guru Rinpoche entrusted him with the Lama Gongdü cycle. At Shantarakshita’s insistence, the king invited the great Indian Vajrayana master, Guru Padmasambhava, who bound all human and non-human obstructers to the service of the Dharma. The eldest son, Mutri Tsenpo, died early.

In:, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 October 2020, at 12:14. Trisong Detsen (740-798): the Tibetan King that firmly established Buddhism in Tibet, emanation of the bodhisattva Manjushri, having invited Padmasambhava from India, and built the first monastery - Samye Chokor Ling. Sources differ about both the nature of the debate as well as the victor. Ta oli Samje kloostri asutamise idee autor.

Trisong became emperor in 755 and, in post-imperial sources, is claimed to have invited Padmasambhava, Śāntarakṣita, Vimalamitra, and various other Indian teachers to come to Tibet to spread the latest understanding of the teaching. Trisong Detsen next sought to expand westward, reaching the Amu Darya and threatening the Abbasid Caliph, Harun ar-Rashid.

Il régna de 740 ou 755 (suivant les sources) à 797. Trisong Detsen was born to King Me Aktsomchen and Princess Chin Ch’eng Kun Chu in 790, and at the age of thirteen he was enthroned as the thirty-seventh ruler in Tibet’s dynasty of Dharma Kings. © 2019-2020 Drupon Khen Rinpoche Karma Lhabu. Meanwhile, Arab forces vied for influence along the western border lands of the Tibetan empire. 742, død cva. Trisong Detsen was born to King Me Aktsomchen and Princess Chin Ch’eng Kun Chu in 790, and at the age of thirteen he was enthroned as the thirty-seventh ruler in Tibet’s dynasty of Dharma Kings. Trisong Detsen, hosted a famous two-year debate from 792-794, known in Western scholarship as the "Council of Lhasa" (although it took place at Samye at quite a distance from Lhasa) outside the capital. ), who revealed the Khandro Nyingthig. 9-12. p. 153. traité de paix est négocié entre la Chine et le Tibet, Milarepa – The Mystic Saint of Tibet Now on Screen, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Inscription pillar below the fort at Chyongye,, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Portail:République populaire de Chine/Articles liés, Portail:Religions et croyances/Articles liés, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Politique, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. The Testament of Ba, a Tibetan historical text which may date back to the 9th century, claims that Muné Tsenpo insisted that his father's funeral be performed according to Buddhist rather than traditional rites. It is not clear when Trisong Detsen died, or for how long Mune Tsenpo reigned.

Trisong Detsen is very important to the history of Tibetan Buddhism as one of the three 'Dharma Kings' (Tibetan:chögyel) who established Buddhism in Tibet. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 30 juin 2020 à 11:23. Le Calife est suffisamment inquiet pour nouer une alliance avec l’empereur de Chine. King Trisong Detsen was then able to complete Samye Monastery within five years, without further difficulty.

His rebirths included Sangye Lama (1000-1080? ), Nyang Nyinma Öser (1124-1192, Guru Chowang (1212-1270, Orgyen Lingpa (1329-1360), 5th Dalai Lama (1617-1682), Jigme Lingpa (1730-1798) and Khyentse Wangpo (1820-1892).

He also received Dzogchen transmissions from Guru Rinpoche, Vimalamitra and Vairochana, becoming one of their primary disciples. Her next tulku was the omniscient master, Longchen Rabjam (1308-1363). [9][10], Whatever the case, both the Old Book of Tang and the Tibetan sources agree that, since Mune Tsenpo had no heirs, power passed to his younger brother, Sadnalegs, who was on the throne by 804 CE. It seems there was a struggle for the succession after the death of Trisong Detsen. [3] Yeshe Tsogyal, previously either the consort or wife of Trisong Detsen, became a great master after studying with Padmasambhava, and is considered the Mother of Buddhism.

All Rights Reserved. Trisong Detsen retired to live at the palace at Zungkar and handed power to his second son, Muné Tsenpo, in 797. The Tang Empire had declined greatly due to the An Lushan Rebellion which was finally quelled in 763. On y lit : « Le roi Trisong Detsen est un homme sage et profond. Le Testament de Ba décrit la fondation de ce monastère et le développement du bouddhisme au Tibet par Trisong Detsen.

He also had further opposition from ministers within his own court, who were hostile towards the introduction of Buddhism. Thrangu Sekhar One-Week Meditation Retreat 2020.

Il a conquis et tient en son pouvoir beaucoup de provinces et forteresses chinoises. Effectively the debate was between the Chinese and Indian Buddhist traditions as they were represented in Tibet. This second expedition was headed by a high minister, Sba Gsalsnan. En 783, un traité de paix est négocié entre la Chine et le Tibet, donnant à ce dernier toutes les terres de la région du Kokonor. The king filled Samye with representations of enlightened body speech and mind, and it soon became the hub of Dharma activity in Tibet.

Le roi forme également une alliance avec le roi Yi Mouxun du Nanzhao en 778, joignant leurs forces pour attaquer les Chinois au Sichuan.

Others, as here, refer to them as the ‘king and the twenty-five subjects’). He became instrumental in fully establishing Buddhism in Tibet, … Les Tibétains nomment un nouvel empereur fantoche puis sont expulsés 15 jours après. Giving her the secret name Pema Ledreltsal, Padmasambhava allowed her to pass away.

Trisong Detsen (Tibetan: ཁྲི་སྲོང་ལྡེ་བཙན, Wylie: khri srong lde btsan, Lhasa dialect: [ʈʂʰisoŋ tetsɛ̃]) was the son of Me Agtsom, the 38th emperor of Tibet.He ruled from AD 755 until 797 or 804. The Skar-cung pillar erected by Sadnalegs (ruled c. 800-815) says that during the reign of Trisong Detsen, "shrines of the Three Jewels were established by building temples at the centre and on the borders, Bsam-yas in Brag-mar and so on". The brother who would become King Trisong Detsen in a future incarnation prayed thus: “Through the merit that I have won in completing this Stupa with pure heart and aspiration, may I be born as a great king and protector of religion in the northern icebound border country of savages. Trisong Detsen had aan het eind van zijn leven nog drie zoons die in leven waren, Muné Tsenpo, Muruk Tsenpo en Mutik Tsenpo, de latere Sadnaleg. The two pandits began by establishing Samye as the first vihara in Tibet.

Durant le reste de son règne, le roi est occupé par les guerres arabes à l’ouest, et lève la pression sur ses adversaires chinois à l’est et au nord, jusqu’à la fin de son règne en 797. [11][12], The other brother, Mutik Tsenpo, was apparently not considered for office as he had previously murdered a senior minister and had been banished to Lhodak Kharchu near the Bhutanese border.

L’empereur chinois, Hehu Ki Wang (Daizong) et ses ministres ont été terrifiés. La Chronique tibétaine mentionne la présence du bouddhisme au Tibet et l’existence de nombreux viharas sur toute l’étendue du territoire durant le règne de Trisong Detsen[3].

C’est en effet sous son règne que le monastère de Samyé, premier monastère bouddhiste au Tibet, fut fondé en 779 par Padmasambhava.

Trisong Detsen (tibétain : ཁྲི་སྲོང་ལྡེ་བཙན, Wylie : Khri-srong lDe-btsan, pinyin tibétain : Chisong Dêzän, THL : Trisong Detsen), né en 704 ou 742 et décédé en 797, est le 5 e successeur de Songtsen Gampo et le 38 e souverain de la dynastie Yarlung ou Chögyal. All three became disciples of Guru Rinpoche and received empowerment and instruction from him. After many incarnations she was reborn as the tertön Pema Ledreltsal (1291-1319? Trisong Detsen had four sons: Mutri Tsenpo, Muné Tsenpo, Mutik Tsenpo, and Sadnalegs. Ils ont offert un tribut annuel perpétuel de 50 000 rouleaux de soie et la Chine a été obligée de s’en acquitter.

Il régna de 740 ou 755 (suivant les sources) à 797. He ruled from AD 755 until 797 or 804. Ta oli kuulsa Tiibeti kuninga Songtsen Gampo pojapoeg.

"The Revolt of 755 in Tibet", p. 3 note 7.

Trisong Detsen (tibétain : ཁྲི་སྲོང་ལྡེ་བཙན, Wylie : Khri-srong lDe-btsan, pinyin tibétain : Chisong Dêzän, THL : Trisong Detsen), né en 704 ou 742 et décédé en 797, est le 5e successeur de Songtsen Gampo et le 38e souverain de la dynastie Yarlung ou Chögyal.

À sa mort, il y a eu une réaction forte contre le bouddhisme, comme ce fut le cas à la mort de son père. In brief, King Trisong Detsen received complete transmissions of the profound teachings from three masters who were mainstays of the Dzogchen tradition: Vimalamitra, Guru Rinpoche, and Vairotsana. Murup Tsepo received many teachings and empowerments from Padmasambhava and others and became a great scholar and adept. Godine 783. je sa Kinezima sklopljen mirovni sporazum, ali je poslije 778. sklopljen savez sa Sijamom, a čija je svrha bila da se zauzme kineska provincija Sečuan. King Trisong Detsen passed away at the age of sixty-nine. Cette victoire a été gravée sur le pilier de pierre dit Zhol Doring à Lhassa.

Kamalashila's role was to ordain Tibetans as Buddhist monks and propagate Buddhist philosophy as it had flourished in India. During the reign of Trisong Detsän the combined efforts of Padmasambhava, Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla established both the Indian Buddhist philosophical interpretation and Buddhist tantra in Tibet.

At the completion of the stupa, the four boys each made a vow; one to take rebirth as a great Dharma King, another as a great tantric master, the third as a great abbot, and the fourth as a minister of the king who would bring them all together. Stein (1972: p. 66-67) holds that Kamalaśīla was victorious in the debate and that Trisong Detsän sided with Kamalaśīla.

Guru Padmasambhava revealed that in one of the king’s previous lives he had been one of four brothers, born to a mother who had the wish to build the great Stupa at Boudhanath in Nepal.

The first documented dissemination of Chan Buddhism to Tibet, chronicled in what has become known as the Statements of the Sba Family, occurred in about 761 when Trisong Detsen sent a party to the Yizhou region to receive the teachings of Kim Hwasang, a Korean Chan master, who they encountered in Sichuan. Il pourrait s'agir des troubles mentionnés dans la première inscription du temple Zha Lhakhang comme devant être surmontés avant que la succession de Sadnalegs ne puisse être assurée[7]. He was the reigning monarch at the time of Padmasambhava’s departure from Tibet. [4], Trisong Detsen patronised a second party to China in 763.

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