He is nearly 9 and has a mac on which he mostly uses iTunes to play music. You must log in or register to reply here. Headphone & Mic Jack... Big Grips Frame is a protective iPad case made for kids. While ease of use is sacrificed, this is the most rugged and robust on the list. All of them are good cases in their own right. Includes Hold Handle. Special Apps, Special Kids - Thursday, April 4, 2013 HANDY iOS Cases for Kids With or w/o Special Needs Finding a case to protect iDevices is no easy task...I won't say how many cases we have experimented with, but suffice it to say, few have made the cut. It's big, squishy, easy to grab, comfortable to hold, and very grip-able. iPad Accessories. Both iOS and Android devices are portable and have speakers that allow you to use the device as a substitute for your own voice. This notebook-style case, when closed, is water-resistant. For children with ASD, manufacturers have to take into account things like tantrums, meltdowns, fits of anger, you get the point. Hands down the lightest case on this list by almost a quarter of a pound, the Metropolis still meets many of the standards that other offerings do. Survived a forty foot fall. Drop-, snow-, water-, and dirt-proof, the Nüüd is ideal for a number of situations, from backseats to backyards. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. DryCASE is a flexible, crystal clear waterproof case that allows complete use of your tablet, E-reader or larger hand held electronic device. Once you’ve determined which app will work best, your speech therapist should probably be the one to first introduce the iPad to your child. Drawing from the military, the outdoors, and the building trades (which apparently mimic the needs of the modern parent), these offerings’ often hyperbolic names might make you laugh. This durable yet lightweight rubber iPad case protects the iPad and allows for easy positioning and carrying. Feb 22, 2018 - Explore Lauren S. Enders, MA, CCC-SLP's board "iPad 2/3/4 Cases for Kids (incl. Many children with autism respond well to ABA therapy. M. m4rc macrumors 6502. autism, autism activist, autistic child, parent of autistic child, autism, autism pride, autism, autism mom, autism dad, autism parents, autistic kid, autistic child, autism, autism awareness, autism, behavior, disorder, condition, therapy, special, puzzle, jigsaw, smart kid, clever child, clever kid, smart child, autistic kid, autistic child, autism, autisitc, autistic kid, autistic child, dad of autistic kid, parents of autism child, autism awareness, autism awareness month, autistic child, behavior, annoys, ignore, leave, autistic pride, autism, autism, support, awareness, child, kid, girls, autistic art, autism, autism, autism awareness, mama bear, mother of autistic kid, mom of autism child, cute, autism awareness month, asperger, autism day, autistic child, autistic advocacy, autism spectrum disorder, autism, awareness, autism, autistic kids, mother of an autistic child, puzzles, colors, talented, gifted, killed, awareness, autism awareness, autism 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brother, sister, friends, birthday, mothers day, fathers day, autism autism awareness, autism, scarebaby, rainbow, spectrum, april is autism awareness month, autism awareness day, jigsaw puzzle, aspergers, autistic child, love, autism, autism awareness, if i can do, it so can you, autism awareness ideas, autism day, autism, autistic child, autism awareness designs, autistic son, autism support, captain autism, anything is possible, autistic daughter, embrace the difference, autism, i have autism, autism spectrum disorder, cute autism, happy autism, cheerful autism, autism sun, autism sunflower, smile, smiling, autism, autistic child, autism awareness, please be patient, autistic kid, asd, aspergers, aspie, autism, autism advocacy, autism awareness, autism day, autism puzzle, autism spectrum disorder, autism support, autism, autistic activism, autistic child, awareness, celebrate autism, health, kids, support autism, acception, autism, autism is my super power, autism cannot define me, 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