Foi sepultada no convento de Corpus Domini[13] (do qual ela foi protetora em vida), em Ferrara, em um hábito de freira. A bênção papal não veio a tempo, mas Leão X escreveu ao viúvo que lamentava muito a morte da "boa duquesa", de quem o "inesquecível amigo César falava com tanto carinho". [5], In 2014, Melanie Lemay was considering Giovanni to be featured in an Abstergo Entertainment game. Before long, the Borgia family no longer needed the Sforzas, and the presence of Giovanni … In private, however, he suffers from an unspecified venereal disease (most probably syphilis), which his physician instructs him to medicate with mercury and opium; Juan soon becomes addicted to the latter, frequently visiting a Muslim-owned opium den.

[1], Upon his birth, Giovanni was discovered to be malformed, and he was expected to die within a few days. O irmão de Lucrécia foi o conhecido déspota César Bórgia. The Borgia family is one of the most notorious in European history. Sua mãe era Vannozza dei Cattanei, uma das muitas amantes do pai de Lucrécia, Rodrigo Borgia, mais conhecido como o Papa Alexandre VI.

A segunda bula, contraditória, reconheceu-o como o filho do Papa Alexandre VI.

Though he at first accused Maria of "conspiring with the Viper", upon seeing her tears, he realized his mistake, and the two returned their attention to their travels.

O mais convencional, seria deixar um cardeal de confiança do papa em sua ausência para tomar as rédeas do Vaticano. Entretanto, seu pai e seu irmão arranjavam mais um casamento para ela.

Casou-se com Lucrécia em 12 de junho de 1493, em Roma, aos 13 anos. political changes were once again stirring. Biographical information [6], Giovanni fighting off the Templars of Troyes, As he began to ask her peculiar questions, Giovanni appeared behind him and ended his life with his Hidden Blade. Making sure that he wasn't seen, he went to the meeting place by a fountain, and, as instructed, used his "other eyes" to recognize the individual from the crowd.

the political ambitions of her father (who had by this time become Pope

Lucrezia Borgia (1480–1519) is perhaps one of the most maligned women in history. [6], They remained together at least until 1542, when Maria protested against Giovanni's obsession with studying the Crystal Skull.[5]. As Maria lingered by a clothier near Troyes' cathedral, Giovanni vanished from her side, and soon after, she was approached by a man in a tunic marked with a red cross.

Returning The child would live, but would forever be mentally altered. Upon his father's becoming Pope, Juan is bestowed the title of Duke of Gandia and head of the Papal Army. Eventually, Giovanni bested Hiram, but chose to spare him and left with the artifact. After several heated confrontation with Lucrezia in which he drunkenly endangers the life of Giovanni, Juan is finally murdered by Cesare with the assistance of Micheletto. Alfonso of Aragon was reputed to be a handsome youth with fine manners,

Este texto é disponibilizado nos termos da licença. to spend more time in her apartments or in nearby convents, and turned Italian duchess. [5] Pedro Calderón escapou desta vez, mas a sorte não lhe sorriria novamente. [6], He was also quite serious in his work as an Assassin, often becoming withdrawn and moody when concentrating on his assignments. Lucrezia Borgia was born on April 18, 1480, the daughter of Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia (c. 1431–1503), later to become Pope Alexander VI, and his mistress Vannozza Cattanei, who was also the mother of Lucrezia's two older brothers, Cesare and Giovanni. A painting by Although Juan is initially able to outclass his brother easily in swordfighting and riding, Cesare's time spent with Micheletto eventually makes him equal to Juan in these categories by early Season Two.

she accepted these ambitions and their consequences for the good of the Ercole died in 1505, she and Alfonso became the reigning duke and Juan suffers from inverted snobbery; although a bastard with a common-born mother, he abhors his blood ties with the peasantry and treats them with great harshness, including assaulting his mother's former husband who is also of the peasantry class. Então, ela se jubilou quando Ferrara entrou em guerra contra o papa em 1511, e mais ainda quando a venceu. He was the brother of Cesare, Gioffre, and Lucrezia Borgia. In a drastic attempt to save his assumed child's life, Perotto broke out of prison (in which he was being held due to the discovery of his affair with Lucrezia) and escaped to Agnadello. stood in the way. Lucrezia was slender with light blue-green eyes and golden

to religion. families in world history: the Borgias, who sought to control as much of The illegitimate son of Lucrezia Borgia and the Assassin Perotto Calderon, Giovanni was raised by his cruel uncle Cesare Borgia as his own son until he fled to join the Assassins. Seu primeiro filho com Afonso, Hércules d'Este, de aparência física idêntica à do pai, sucedeu-o como duque de Ferrara em 1534; foi pai de cinco filhos, e morreu em 1559. directed his strongman to strangle Lucrezia's young husband. nobleman. d'Este. Giovanni and his wife Maria shared the names of Ezio's parents. On the other hand, he was also known for his cruelty, not finished at breakfast would be complete by dinner." [6], Since Giovanni had discovered a report containing their descriptions, he and Maria fled Troyes. Trusting him, Maria agreed, and the two traveled together down into the catacombs. House of Borgia (until 1503)AssassinsItalian Brotherhood Lucrezia retired to Nepi, and during this period the mysterious Infans Romanus (Roman Infant) was first seen, the three-year-old boy named Giovanni, with whom Lucrezia appeared in 1501. Giovanni Borgia (1498 – 1548) was a member of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins, and was known to his Brothers as one who was particularly receptive to Pieces of Eden due to his bond with an Isu entity named Consus.

Apparently he was the first son of Borgia, and although named Giovanni, he would be also known as Juan, the equivalent of his Italian name in Spanish. hair, which she later bleached to maintain its goldenness. pregnant. His relationship with his siblings, specifically Cesare and Lucrezia, escalates from rivalry for their father's affection to hostility over the protection of the family.

The Borgias legacy, however, is not one to be She died César foi morto em 1507, lutando pela França, numa emboscada na Espanha. However, when Cesare discovered this, Giovanni was punished.

Em 2 de fevereiro do ano seguinte, Lucrécia entra triunfalmente em Ferrara. [6], They tracked a grimoire down to the nephew of Perenelle Flamel, but found that the manuscript was only a translation.

Giovanni was forced to restrain him, and later, he and Maria retrieved the first half of the Book from Bombastus' laboratory.

Giovanni era um filho ilegítimo de Costanzo I Sforza e um Sforza de segundo grau. Giovanni assinou confissões de impotência e, finalmente, documentos de anulação perante testemunhas.[3]. O Papa precisava de novas alianças políticas, mais vantajosas, então ele pode ter secretamente ordenado a execução de Giovanni.

Sensing he was losing favor with the Borgia family, Giovanni and greedy family, Lucrezia was very much a product of her times, and

[6] Para tal, ele cancelou compromissos anteriores de Lucrécia e arranjou para ela se casar com Giovanni Sforza, um membro da Casa de Sforza, que era o Senhor de Pesaro e intitulado Conde de Catignola. Though protective of his allies, he once assaulted Maria, merely out of the suspicion that she had been conspiring with the Templars. Giovanni was humiliated. A criança morreu semanas depois, mas três anos depois o casal ducal foi presenteado com outro menino, Hércules. Foi documentado que ao descobrir o romance entre sua irmã e Pedro, César, desvairado de raiva e de ciúme, o esfaqueou, porém o rapaz conseguiu chegar aos aposentos do papa e sujou sua batina de sangue. Comparando aos 15.000 ducados pagos a Giovanni Sforza, o primeiro marido de Lucrécia, alguns anos antes, a diferença é formidável.

Há especulações que durante o processo prolongado da anulação, Lucrécia consumou um relacionamento com alguém, um jovem espanhol, Pedro (ou Pero) Calderón, também chamado de Perotto. He then orders that Benito be hanged, but Catherina's cousin Ludovico Il Moro Sforza, Duke of Milan, arrives and launches a counterattack on the Papal armies with his own forces. While living in a

c. 1548 (aged 50)Genoa, Republic of Genoa Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A família Sforza ameaçou retirar sua proteção, caso recusasse. A versão geralmente aceite é que Lucrécia foi informada de tal por seu irmão Cesar, e avisou o marido, que fugiu de Roma. The conflict between Lucrezia and Juan reaches violence when Juan murders Lucrezia's fleeing lover Paolo, who is the father to her child, Giovanni. Em todo o caso, as famílias hostis aos Bórgias viriam a acusá-la de estar grávida quando seu casamento foi anulado por falta de consumação. [5], During the uproar that followed the Spaniards' witnessing of such a brutal sacrifice, Giovanni killed the priest and stole the relic. Giovanni Borgia (1498 – 1548) was a member of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins, and was known to his Brothers as one who was particularly receptive to Pieces of Eden due to his bond with an Isu entity named Consus. During the brawl, Giovanni was hit to the head by an enraged and innocent Stoddard and was possessed once again by Consus before fainting. A segunda bula foi mantida em segredo por muitos anos, e Giovanni foi assumido como sendo o filho de Cesar.

In 1512 Lucrezia withdrew from public life, possibly from officially annulled on December 27, 1497, Lucrezia was six months Lucrécia prepara-se para casar novamente, desta vez com Afonso de Aragão, duque de Biscegli. In Greece, he assaulted the Assassin hideout where the artifact was hidden, but was ambushed by Giovanni.

duchess of Ferrara. Born Translated by Gilda Roberts. The Life and Times of Lucrezia Borgia.

Hipólito tornou-se um alto religioso, e morreu em 1572, como um verdadeiro cardeal Bórgia: com uma boa fortuna, e muitos filhos chorando sua morte; Francisco, filho de Lucrécia, foi marquês de Massolambarda e pai de dois filhos, morreu em 1578, os três, sem dúvidas, eram muito mais Bórgia do que d´Este. Her brothers included Cesare BORGIA, Giovanni BORGIA, and Gioffre BORGIA. [1] Quando Rodrigo se tornou Papa (Alexandre VI), procurou aliar-se com poderosas famílias principescas e dinastias fundadoras da Itália. Lucrécia Bórgia, na época uma menina de treze anos, não tinha nenhuma mácula em seu nome. and his mistress Vannozza Cattanei, Left a widow at the age of twenty, Lucrezia spent most of her time Em 24 de junho de 1519, morreu Lucrécia Bórgia em Ferrara, devido a complicações após dar à luz seu oitavo filho, depois de ter tido uma história ao longo da vida de gestações e de abortos complicados.

Simply by willing it, he was able to create the image of an eagle out of thin air. Rodrigo Borgia (c. 1431–1503), later to become Pope Alexander VI, She began Alexandre pediu ao tio de Giovanni, o cardeal Ascanio Sforza, para convencer Giovanni a concordar com um divórcio. Despite his cheerful nature, he also had something of a temper, once shouting at and threatening Bombastus for not answering his questions.

The illegitimate son of Lucrezia Borgia and the Assassin Perotto Calderon, Giovanni was raised by his cruel uncle Cesare Borgia as his own son until he fled to join the Assassins. A esposa de Francesco era a culta intelectual Isabella d'Este, a irmã de Afonso, para quem Lucrécia fizera insinuação de amizade sem sucesso.

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