Raybould, T.J. Pictures of items with Fife mining links. Relatively little has been written about this large and important coalfield, but there have been some recent studies.1-20, Index of articles published by the Northern Mine Research Society, complied by Alasdair Neill, When the coal industry was nationalised in 1947, there were 59 collieries in Staffordshire; now there are none. See also below for his excellent studies of early colliery engines and railways in the same region. COLLIERIES If you have any information on Fife collieries please contact us. The database behind this mapping arose from a much larger project, by Mike Gill, to establish a database of British Collieries. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link included in the newsletter. selected time period. In this section we have a number of maps that show the collieries and pits in the region at various times.
Join us! Also, various librarians at the National Coal Mining Museum for England, and Ceri Thompson, Curator (Coal Collections) Big Pit at Blaenavon. Get this from a library! © Northern Mine Research Society | Registered Charity Number - 326704, National Library of Scotland – Geo-referenced maps, National Library of Scotland – Maps by place, [In correct place, but shown as a coal shaft on OS = unlikely]. Steve Grudgings and David Hardwick for collieries around Bristol and Yate. COLLIERIES If you have any information on Fife collieries please contact us. Derek Barker and Tony Woods for comments on locations in the Heaton and Shipley areas of Bradford. It began in 2003, partly in response to a suggestion by Alison Henesey, then librarian at the Yorkshire Coal Mining Museum, that “it would be useful to have a map which showed where the collieries …
Map of Fife – detailed map of Fife Are you looking for the map of Fife? Subscribe to the newsletter! at various times. run a slide show or on any picture for an enlargement. Lower elevations are indicated throughout the southeast of the country, as well as along the Eastern Seaboard. Fife Mining Heritage. King, P.W.
The site is updated on a regular basis. The former area is also associated with two outlying coalfields to the east. Phil Cullen, author of ‘Gwendraeth Valley Coal Mines’, published in 2010, has kindly helped with comments and corrections for that area. Leach, J. Simon Brooks (NEIMME) for comments on mines around Newcastle upon Tyne. A History of Coal Mining Around Halesowen (Heartland, 1999), Deakin, P. Collieries in the North Staffordshire Coalfield (Ashbourne: Landmark Publishing Co., 2004), Various: The Cannock Chase Coalfield and its Coal Mines (Cannock Chase: Cannock Chase Mining Historical Society, 2005), Edwards, K. The Brereton Collieries 1791-1960 (Cannock Chase: Cannock Chase Mining Historical Society, 2005), Stone, R. The Collieries and Coalminers of Staffordshire (Chichester: Phillimore & Co. Ltd, 2007).
All creations copyright of the creators. In this section we have a number of maps that show the collieries and pits in the region at various times. It is possible that some of the information about collieries could be wrong. Today, the Five Pits Trail follows the approximate route of the original railway through pretty countryside where the marks of its coal mining past have vanished. About me ; Disclaimer; Forum; Guestbook; Contact; Mining around Ripley. Les Turnbull for help with early collieries within the Newcastle upon Tyne area. To complete your registration, click on the link in the email that we have just sent you.
You may find this a better method of locating collieries in a particular locality for the Find any address on the map of Fife or calculate your itinerary to and from Fife, find all the tourist attractions and Michelin Guide restaurants in Fife. Memories We hope to show you pictures of what remains of Fife's Mining Heritage on this page, before it is to late and they are gone forever. should contact: The Coal Authority, 200 Lichfield Lane, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4RG, (Tel. General Maps. These maps are intended as tools for historians and they should not be used, in any way, to circumvent the process of Mining Reports and Property Search Services available from the Coal Authority. Fife Mining Heritage can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions.
JUST ZOOM INTO THE AREA YOU ARE INTERESTED IN AND PUSH THE PIN FOR THE MINE, FOLLOW THE LINK TO DETAILED DESCRIPTION ON HERE-Home. Shaw, M. (2016) The Mines of the Shrewsbury Coalfields (You Caxton Publications), Turnbull, L. (2016) The World of William Brown: Railways, Steam Engines, Coalmines (Newcastle: North of England Institute of Mining & Mechanical Engineers), Turnbull, L. (2017) The Early Railways of the Derwent Valley (Newcastle: North of England Institute of Mining & Mechanical Engineers). 1920 Map of Mather Collieries Coal Properties Greene County Pennsylvania 20 x 34 Full Color Map Reproduction Made of heavy weight matte archival paper or Kodak Fine Art Canvas Canvas Prints have an additional one inch white border all the way around for mounting if needed. Please note that sites are recorded as point data, but it must be remembered that some occupied large areas and may be associated with other industries. This coalfield is traditionally treated as being in two main parts, a northern one around Stoke on Trent and a southern one around Cannock and the Birmingham conurbation, but modern geological knowledge shows it to be continuous through an unworked central area.
Anyone wishing to discover the likelihood of ground instability etc. If you have any items you wish to see on this site or any suggestions please contact Society. 0845 762 6848). Paul Sproat for tweaking and adding sites around Blyth. The ViaMichelin map of Fife: get the famous Michelin maps, the result of more than a century of mapping experience. Roger Lynch for collieries south of the River Calder in Yorkshire. Please note that not all of the collieries
Fife housing is covered in the 1875 Notes on Miners' Housing and the 1918 Royal Commission Report.
If you know of an error or can supply us with additional information please let us know. Copies of these were perused at the following libraries:-. If you have any items you wish to see on this site or any suggestions please contact Society. … Following closure of the large collieries and other smaller pits along the Great Central Railway, the landscape has changed drastically. MAP OF SITES ON UK MINING REMAINS. VAR 3.5°5'E (2015) ANNUAL DECREASE 8' Edit. you are viewing the detail of a particular map you can click on the colliery to see the The project was also supported by a NMRS Grant towards the cost of data gathering. No project like this can be undertaken without help from a wide range of individuals, and I would like to thank the following: D. Barker, G. Brooks, S. Brooks, Dr I.J. Historical data for the period 1947 to 2000 comes from the ‘Guide to the Coalfields’ and the ‘International Guide to the Coalfields, and is published with the permission of the Colliery Guardian. A level is seen as a horizontal cut into a hill or mountain to access a seam of coal, while a colliery consists of shafts mined into the earth to reach seams of coal underground.