High level of belief in company’s potential exhibited by insiders. SBI’s average yield on advances saw a decline by 104 bps and stood at 8.28%, from 9.32%. And the benchmark S&P BSE SENSEX was at 40,544.4 (up 0.3%). Also, the total deposits from these accounts stood at Rs 3241620.7343 Cr. On August 19, 2016, the opening price was Rs.255 and it hit a high of Rs.260, mainly because the SBI board approved the merger with associate banks. Copyright © 2014 EquityPandit Financial Services Pvt. The lender’s asset quality has also deteriorated over the last quarter.
Check SBI share price, financial data and complete stock analysis.Get SBI stock rating based on quaterly result, profit and loss account, balance sheet, shareholding pattern and annual report. Before becoming the chairman, he served as the Managing Director of the National Banking Group, and Compliance & Risk department of SBI, separately. However, over the course of the next few weeks, the SBI share price fell dramatically. Ltd. All rights reserved. State Bank of India (SBI) is one of the country’s largest public-sector banks and financial institutions. The scrip continued to decrease in March and ended the month at Rs.252. In June, SBI shares were being traded above Rs.200, primarily because of the bank’s merger with associate banks.
On November 10, 2016, the closing price of SBI stock was Rs.281.30.
This was primarily due to the fact that the lender also declared a dividend. In August, the stock price increased marginally and ended the month at Rs.307. Meanwhile, net NPA stood at Rs.99,236 crore as against Rs.1,10,855 crore during the same period. This terrific run continued in the month of March as well, when SBI announced its plan to complete the merger with six associate banks by the end of June, along with raising its stake in SBI card. The CASA ratio was at 45.68% with an increase of 128 bps, up from 44.40%. Investors were taken aback in May when the government announced that SBI is yet to raise funds worth Rs.15,000 crore from the market and asked the lender to merge five associate banks. SBI’s domestic advances reported an increase of 7.21% and stood at Rs.17,23,443 crore, up from Rs.16,07,583 crore in June 2017. From that point on till the end of the year, the share price continued to remain above Rs.300. On May 27, when the bank declared its quarterly results, SBI shares hit a high of Rs.202 and closed trading at Rs.195.55 on BSE. The historical average PB was 1.19720399174795. In terms of advances, the bank reported 6.37788165797968 % YOY, rise . The Average cost of deposits reported a decline by 54 bps YoY and stood at 5.30%, down from 5.84%. However, this wasn’t enough to keep the investors around owing to the change in directorate. The operating income reported an increase of 11.19% and stood at Rs.28,478 crore, up from Rs.