It’s your father, Miss Ella. Cinderella: Footman? [at the same time Ella arrives in her carriage and the lizard footmen open the carriage doors] [she lets Lucifer go; to the mice] I mean, your Fairy Godmother. Townsperson: We found the mystery princess for ya! Cinderella: You’ll find it’s very comfortable. “Love. Lizard Footman: Miss Ella. [Ella rides off in the opposite direction]. [she cuts the root and goes to pick up the pumpkin] Fairy Godmother: Ah, lovely. Grand Duke: She went straight for him. Nothing. Cinderella: Do what here? [to herself] Cinderella: You heard her?
Well done. Prince: I hope the Princess will not find our little kingdom too confining. Royal Crier: Her name, you ninny! [as Ella goes to fetch more tea she starts swaying to herself as she remembers her dance with the Prince] Or maybe because we were all made to come home before midnight. Prince: So these portraits will really be sent abroad to induce the high and mighty to attend this ball you insist upon? Lady Tremaine: Your secret is safe with me. “She believed in dreams, all right, but she also believed in doing something about them.
Grand Duke: Who is she? Jus' let me tell yew somefink yew cockeyed idiot.
I will say that as a child I thought that the original story belonged to Disney until told otherwise. [the Prince makes his way to Ella] Cinderella: Gus Gus, Jacqueline, stop it! 42. Fairy Godmother: I understand. Captain: Madam, there is no other maiden in your house? Cinderella: Mr. Lizard, I’m scared. [Lady Tremaine looks suspiciously at Ella] Lady Tremaine: Just remember who you are, you wretch! I loved her fairy godmother. Prince: You should. Prince: Thank you, father. Drisella: What did she say? Grand Duke: A thousand apologies, Your Royal Highness. Cinderella: Yes? Drisella: I’m Drisella.
Lady Tremaine: Do shut up. [she notices Ella’s plain shoes] [she waves her wand at the pumpkin and it starts to shake] [Ella walks downstairs, passes the Grand Duke and enters the living room where the Prince is waiting, he turns, Ella smiles and curtsies] [they twirl around and laugh, hen Anastasia tries on a tiara] Fairy Godmother: [voice over] Ella’s comfort were the letters that father would send from his travels. Lady Tremaine: Cinderella! Cinderella: Is that what you meant to do?
[as they are dancing] It really was like a dream. “I’m not getting any younger, you know. He was too polite to send her packing in front of everyone, you see. There is something that nobody can forbid me: stop dreaming.
Who are you? Now I see you didn’t want overwrought a plain soldier. Lady Tremaine: And who are you? When I was nine I wanted to get married in fairy wings, and now I realize that's not cool anymore. [Ella walks downstairs, passes the Grand Duke and enters the living room where the Prince is waiting, he turns, Ella smiles and curtsies] The poor man has died alas. Fairy Godmother: Just a moment! Vivien Leigh. Royal Crier: No, not her! [just then they are interrupted by the Captain] I'd changed my life all by myself.
Lady Tremaine: And I should like to keep it that way. Can you at least tell me your name? Prince: Yes, ha! We’re leaving. Slipper Lady #2: Can I try the other foot? [we see the Grand Duke and the Captain walking towards an elderly maiden] [they rush towards the window]
Why are you so cruel?
Captain: Of course. [Lady Tremaine is sat holding the slipper in her hand] King: Oh, be cheerful, boy. And of a sudden it seemed to her that her stepmother and stepsisters had indeed transformed her into merely a creature of ash and toil. Drisella: Do they keep animals inside? Prince: Agreed, then let us be certain! Cinderella: Won’t they miss you at the ball? That’s how we learn to look after them. When he’s in a good mood. Cinderella: Just so. Lavender’s blue. Your email address will not be published. [she then laughs to herself as it starts to rain]
I’m expected to marry for advantage. Hmm. Who is she talking to? [Anastasia laughs] Prince: I love and respect you, but I will not. Cinderella: You have never been, and you never will be my mother.
“But the world is full of zanies and fools / Who don’t believe in sensible rules/ And won’t believe what sensible people say / And because these daft and dewey-eyed dopes / Keep building up impossible hopes / Impossible / Things are happening every day.” – Brandy Norwood, Cinderella, 37.
It was trippy, weird and cold ... and then Helena showed up. [she joins her father as her stepmother’s carriage arrives] Not roight in the 'ead? Drisella: Tea and a plate of biscuits Just learn to like cats! Slipper Lady #1: No, I don’t… Grand Duke: Oh, shut up, will you?! And it says, ‘By royal command, every eligible maiden is to attend.’ – Cinderella, What’s a royal ball? You had to go and choose that one, didn’t you? Aren't fairy godmothers supposed to be nice and make you feel better about yourself? I thought you might treat me differently if you knew. The kindest words I’ll ever know are waiting to be said. [Ella takes off her shoes] I was expecting a guy who writes poetry at Starbucks.__ Cinderella Shoes Quotes.
Prince: It’s Kit! If you love me, dilly, dilly. Cinderella: Well, you’ll have to take it with you on your way and think of me when you look at it. [she closes the door, turns and looks at the branch then sinks to the floor as she begins to weeps], Fairy Godmother: [voice over] How indeed to live? Anastasia: And blood is so much thicker than water. Enjoy it while it lasts. They’re just made up for children. “Suppose they heard you upstairs. Cinderella: Hurry, Mr.
[the lizard footmen start growing back their tails] Anastasia: So very sorry. [to the guards] Lizards and pumpkins and things… I should think you’d have worked that one out. And if ever there were a man happier in his fortunes, I know him not.” Thus ends Mr. Peeps for today.