Aangezien het filmpje 29.59 minuten (!) Ce criminel est resté dans le silence pendant une vingtaine d'années à commettre ses crimes sans en payer les conséquences. Meld je aan op onze GRATIS NineForNews PUSH meldingen, Volg ons GRATIS NineForNews Telegram kanaal. [73], A March 2012 mass showing of the film in Lira, the site of one of Kony's worst atrocities in Uganda, was met with jeering and thrown objects at the screen and at the group African Youth Initiative Network, which screened the film and provided translations.
"[70] Prime Minister of Uganda Amama Mbabazi launched an online response on YouTube, in which he seeks to correct the "false impression" that Uganda is still at war, and invites everyone to visit the country, assuring that people would find it "a very different place to that portrayed by Invisible Children". "[43] Anthony Lake, the executive director of UNICEF, was cited as saying that a similar viral video would have made a difference during the Rwandan genocide in 1994, also suggesting that "this kind of public attention would also have helped save more lives in Darfur and in Congo's warring east. The archbishop of Gulu, Rt Rev. "[69], After the film's release, there was criticism in Uganda of its failure to state more clearly that Kony and his forces fled northern Uganda in 2006 and were dispersed across the jungles of three neighbouring countries.
Een 30 minuten durend filmpje over de Oegandese oorlogsmisdadiger Joseph Kony is een enorme hit. "[14], On 25 October 2012, the 31-minute film MOVE was released by Invisible Children, documenting the happenings behind the scenes of the campaign, such as how the website Kony2012.com was heavily overloaded.[97]. [99][100], Support among senators for the resolution came about after the release of the Kony 2012 video and its subsequent popularity. "[49], Journalist Nicholas D. Kristof thanked Invisible Children for making the film and addressed its criticism, stating that rather than being "white man's burden", when "a warlord continues to kill and torture across a swath of Congo and Central African Republic ... it's a human burden." "[93] The LRA researcher Craig Valters of the LSE's department of International Development said that the second video "overwhelmingly" failed to answer criticisms raised by the first film. Matt Fiorentino, director of marketing at video measurement firm Visible Measures, considered the first campaign a never-seen-before anomaly, and despite being dwarfed by its predecessor, the number of views Beyond Famous received was "pretty good" when compared to a regular social campaign. We vergaten hoeveel dodelijke slachtoffers er waren gevallen, terwijl we wel keken naar het aantal shares van Kony 2012 op Facebook. Cependant, poursuit le texte, "la seule manière propre et faisable d’arrêter Kony et de protéger les civils qu’ils visent, est de développer les efforts avec les gouvernements de la région". Het vermoeden bestaat dat Kony zich ophoudt in het grensgebied tussen Soedan en Zuid-Soedan, in de zogenaamde Kafia Kingi enclave. Ces soupçons sont encore renforcés par les aspects financiers d’Invisible Children. De campagne zou te Hollywood-achtig en daarbij achterhaald zijn. As an explanation for the simplicity of the movie, they stated that "in [their] quest to garner wide public support of nuanced policy, [they] sought to explain the conflict in an easily understandable format."
We will stop YOU #StopKONY ! Face à ces critiques, Invisible Children a mis en ligne une page spéciale dans laquelle elle avance des justifications. Article assez lamentable, c'est facile de critiquer derrière son clavier, en attendant Kony et ses sbires terrorisent une région entière depuis des décennies... @elind on comprend mieux en lisant vos banalités comment et pourquoi le nain de jardin est arrivé au pouvoir [3] . Dit artikel krijg je van HP/De Tijd cadeau. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 10 février 2020 à 19:09. [103], The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said the agency welcomed the "unprecedented" initiative to "end the atrocities in the region" and urged all involved to respect human rights and minimize risk to civilians. La patte d'Invisible CHildren n'est pas toute blanche donc ses propos ne tiennent pas la route? "[76] Ugandan journalist Rosebell Kagumire said that "the war is much more complex than one man called Joseph Kony. Then, that evening, they were to post flyers and posters throughout their city for the Kony 2012 campaign.
Wie is Kony ook alweer en wat kan er inmiddels gezegd worden over succesvol online-actievoeren?