Cardinal Martínez Somalo then ceremonially ordered the Dean of the College of Cardinals, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, to summon the cardinals of the world to Vatican City to elect a new pope. “Our story reporting the death of Pope John XXIII.”,, Woodman, Cindy. Toward the end of the funeral mass, a cleric read out a message from Benedict. Once again, keep in mind that this process does vary in some cases. Pope John Paul II's coffin is taken to the grottos beneath St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican, April 8, 2005. This is partially because Church officials need to begin the process of preparing to select a new pope according to a strict timeline. Altogether, the Mass of Requiem was deemed at the time to be the largest gathering of heads of state in world history, exceeding the gathering at the state funeral of Sir Winston Churchill in London in 1965 and the funeral of Josip Broz Tito in 1980. One thousand sharpshooters were positioned on strategic rooftops throughout the Italian capital as Carabinieri police task forces swept aqueducts and drains for explosives. An acolyte then brought to the Camerlengo a thurible and boat. The final casket, made of elm, holds the other two. Just as the group's members arrived at St. Peter's Basilica, led by founder Barbara Blaine, police officers escorted them outside the confines of St. Peter's Square. Moss then incensed the Book of the Gospel and then sang the reading in Latin. The coffin was then turned 180 degrees to face the congregation and the cameras, and the crowd applauded and cheered with more fervour before it was taken out of the public view for the last time. The papal funeral usually lasts for two or more hours. This link will open in a new window. He was lowered into a tomb that had been prepared following the transfer of John XXIII's remains from the grotto to the main floor of the basilica after his beatification. German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, standing at the center of the altar, celebrates the funeral service for Pope John Paul II, at St. Peter's Square, in the Vatican, April 8, 2005. Many believed he knew he would soon pass. It’s important to understand that these rituals don’t replace scientific techniques. Linked In. He spoke in Italian, first greeting the many political figures and religious leaders that had gathered, and then told the story of how the young Karol had answered the Lord's call, and became a priest after the persecution of the Nazis, the answer of the command: "Follow me!" The Pope's formal death certificate was signed by the physician Renato Buzzonetti, Director of the Department of Health and Sanitation of Vatican City, on the evening of his death. After each name of a martyr or saint was chanted, invoking his or her intercession between God and the people, participants in the procession sang the Latin words, "Ora pro eo," meaning "Pray for him." Death is part of life. After the Eucharistic Prayer (the point in the Mass when it is believed the elements become Christ), the Lord's Prayer was sung followed later by the brief Latin litany, "Agnus Dei". John Paul II's body was clothed in the familiar white soutane, over which was placed a plain white alb. The event sparked the nationwide Roman Catholic Church sex abuse scandal in the dioceses of the United States. Helicopters were dispatched to scan the city streets from above. Before the College of Cardinals could offer official customary invitations to the various heads of state and government, over 200 foreign officials had expressed their desire to attend the Mass of Requiem. While the nature of papal funerals sometimes changes for various reasons (such as a pope making specific requests), the funeral usually involves these traditions: Before a pope’s burial, the dean of the College of Cardinals typically delivers a funeral mass. The reader ended by singing, "Verbum Domini" ("The Word of the Lord.") We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish, and check out our cookie policy for more information. expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Toronto His funeral, held in St. Peter’s Square, broke with the Vatican tradition of papal funerals occurring inside of St. Peter’s Basilica. Pallbearers carry the coffin of Pope John Paul II, during his funeral Mass at St. Peter's Square, in the Vatican, April 8, 2005. The event had an estimated viewership of over 2 billion people; the Catholic Church claims only 1.3 billion among its members. Essential steps include: To confirm a pope has died, the camerlengo (a high-ranking Catholic official) calls a pope by their baptismal name three times. Pope John Paul II's coffin is lowered into the grave inside the grottos beneath St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican, Friday, April 8, 2005. If you’ve ever wondered what happens when a pope dies, you’re sure to find these points interesting. [20], Several members of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) flew to Rome to protest saying Cardinal Law's place of honour was painful to sexual abuse victims and embarrassing to Catholics. But after his retirement from the post, Ratzinger apologized for using corporal punishment to discipline boys amid a wider investigation into sexual and physical abuse in the Roman Catholic Church.

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